Sunday, February 17, 2008

Painting My Early Franks (Alamanni)

So I still haven't finished painting Bergo, but that was really only a temporary break from painting 15's.

Speaking of 15's, I'm now back to work on the Alamanni army I started painting approximately three - four years ago. The worst part, as usual, is deciding on colors for the clothing. In the long run the shields are going to be the problem, but I've pretty much decided to save those for last.

One thing I've gotten somewhat done on the majority of the models so far is the flesh. I've had to go back over most of what I started a while back. I apparently wasn't really interested in painting again at the time and the flesh looked a little foul. Now the flesh on all the prepped models has been given a nice, fresh coat of Vallejo Model Color Flat Flesh (955) . Once dry, this was given a wash of Winsor & Newton Nut Brown ink thinned slightly with Magic Wash.

I'm about to start a new job, so I'm trying to get as much of this army knocked out within the next week as I can so I can try and get in some gaming in the near future.

Stay tuned for details.

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