I'm well on my way through cleaning up two boxes of the plastic Wars of the Roses Infantry figures from the Perry brothers. The obligatory mold lines aren't the worst I've ever seen but they're obviously there, and my OCD just won't allow them to stay!
While I haven't quite decided on the number of figures to do up for archers, billmen, and command, I have pretty much decided on a retinue thanks to my genealogy obsession and Citadel Six Custom Design. I'll keep that decision a mystery until I actually do a little more research and get these models ready to paint.
I just about have all the bodies cleaned up and plan on doing the heads next so I can get them attached for easier painting. The arms and weapons will also likely be painted separately, at least to a point, to make painting an easier task.
Now, if I can just stop watching Turnip28 videos and hold off that temptation for a while...