Monday, July 21, 2008

Wow! No post in three months!

OK, I've been really busy with work and other side projects, so I haven't really had a chance to work on the site in a while.

On the actual painting front, I've been priming up as many single piece miniatures as I can. I hope this will get me going on the road to actually getting more stuff done in the near future.I've started priming prior to cleaning the mold lines and flash as it makes them much easier to see, especially in my poorly lit condo. I do occasionally work on the code that I will eventually be able to stick into the site, but I just haven't had time to incorporate it.

The Early Franks I started on a while back haven't really moved along apart from the three stands of Bow and the one Psiloi stand. Those are finished and it is only about eight or nine Warband stands left to do.... plus the optional General cav stand.

I've also stripped a good number of minis. None of these had ever been finished. They were models I had started on and had screwed up terribly on or had just lost motivation and forgotten the colors I'd used. They now have another chance at life... eventually.

Anyhoo, that's all for now.

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